Get some fire in your belly

Food sensitivities or feeling bloated, full or gassy after meals can be a sign of low hydrochloric acid (HCL) - a liquid the stomach produces to breakdown food. In Ayurveda it is called Agni (your digestive fire). When this is low it leads to poor digestion, low absorption of nutrients and sub-optimal health.

A number of things can lower levels of HCL e.g. pathogens such as H Pylori, stress, age, medications such as PPIs, zinc deficiency, what you eat and when you eat.

So how do you get the fire back in your belly? 🔥Depending on the cause of low HCL lots of things can support this process - from taking time to chew your food, increasing nutrient rich foods, eating your meals at optimal times in the day to lowering stress, moving your body in a nourishing way (i.e. yoga) and breathwork.

Also in the short term - diluting a small amount of raw apple cider vinegar in water and drinking it before eating food or taking digestive enzymes with your meal can help - alongside making more sustainable changes so that your body is able to get back to balance and carry out this process naturally.

If you experience persistent IBS or chronic digestive issues get in touch for a 15 minute chat to see how Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle and Movement can help support you


And breathe…


The only constant in life is change