What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy uses the application of nutritional science to promote health and optimise an individual’s wellbeing. Practitioners use a wide range of tools to assess the health of an individual, identify potential nutritional imbalances, triggers to symptoms and lifestyle factors which may contribute to any health concerns. By taking a medical history, understanding the current health status, food intake and lifestyle of the individual, Practitioners can uncover what may be the root cause of these health concerns in order to provide a plan to address any imbalances. 

Rather than using a ‘one size fits all’ approach, Practitioners consider each individual as completely unique and recommend tailored nutrition and lifestyle needs to promote wellbeing and help them reach their health goals. 

Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine to support those with chronic conditions, as well as anyone looking to generally support their health and wellbeing. 

Nutritional Therapy is never a replacement for medical advice and Practitioners will always refer a client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional. Where relevant, the Practitioner can also work alongside the client’s medical professional to explain any nutritional programme they have been provided with. 

What is involved in the consultation process and do I need to prepare anything beforehand?

Initial Consultation

  • Duration: 1 hour

  • Preparation: 3-Day Food & Lifestyle Diary and Personal Details & Health Questionnaire to be completed and emailed back 48 hours before the consultation. These will be emailed to you upon booking the consultation

  • Structure: Discuss main symptoms and health aims for the consultation; medical history (past illnesses and medications etc.), family history; current medication and supplements; chat through each system in the body (digestive, respiratory etc.) and the 3-Day Food & Lifestyle Diary (including physical activity, sleep etc.)

  • What is provided: Personalised Food & Lifestyle Plan with recommendations (and supplement recommendations, if required) 

Follow-Up Consultation(s)

  • Duration: 30 minute session two weeks after the initial consultation (or as agreed)

  • Preparation: 3-Day Food & Lifestyle Diary

  • Structure: Discuss how you’ve been getting on with the plan, your progress and health goals

  • What is provided: Amended Personalised Food & Lifestyle Plan based on what we've discussed - i.e. continued progress or any new health aims

Will I need to take supplements or a Functional Medicine Test?

In my Nutrition Practice I have a ‘food first’ approach, where I will always focus on food as the main source of nutrition to address any imbalances. That said, if there are specific nutrients that a client may be deficient in or lacking, I will recommend any necessary supplements initially to support the body in getting back to balance.

Functional Testing can be an incredibly useful diagnostic to indicate specific imbalances in the body for complex or chronic cases. Therefore, if your health issues persist during the plan and further investigation is needed Functional Medicine Testing may be advised.

Please note, any recommended supplements and Functional Medicine Testing will be an additional cost to the plan / programme you choose.

How long does it take before I will see results?

We are all bio-individual and therefore everyone will respond differently to their personalised plan depending on their health status, medical history and lifestyle.

It’s important to remember that it takes time to support any imbalances in the body - this is why I work with clients on 3 month programmes - and everyone will respond to their own plan differently. The plans are created not only with a focus on the key nutritional requirements, but also how these can be followed according to your lifestyle (i.e. work, family commitments), so that they are achievable. Consistency is key. In the long-term this is what provides the greatest results.

What if I have any questions between the consultation and any follow-up appointments?

If you have any questions after you receive your personalised plan you can drop me an email on nourishbalanceflow@gmail.com.

If you are working with me on the 3 month programmes, any questions can be emailed through to me and you will receive a response within 24 hours during the week. You are also fully supported throughout the programme with 30 minute weekly calls, where you’ll have a chance to chat through any questions and discuss how you are getting on. Your plan will be emailed through with any changes afterwards.

How do I pay for my Consultation / Plan? 

Once a suitable time for the appointment has been agreed, payment information will be emailed to you. Full payment needs to be made at least 48 hours prior to the Initial Consultation. Once payment is made you will receive an email confirming your scheduled appointment. 

What if I need to change or cancel my appointment?

If you need to change or cancel an appointment you will need to email nourishbalanceflow@gmail.com and provide at least 48 hours notice. If cancellation is within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment, the client will need to pay the full amount for the consultation.