Natural probiotics for gut health

I'm a big advocate of Kefir, having got into making it during the first lockdown - but admittedly it is an acquired taste.

If you're not a fan, but want to increase your beneficial bacteria (probiotic) intake and support your microbiome you can do so with the following foods:

- Dairy: choose a natural bio live yogurt

- Non-dairy: sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, miso (make sure these are raw / unpasteurised so that the bacteria is live)

Remember to use the 'go low and slow' approach when consuming any new fermented foods, so that your digestive system gradually adjusts to them.

Some great products that I use and recommend are: Hurly Burly Sauerkraut, Laurie's Sauerkraut and Kimchi, Yeo Valley Organic Natural Yoghurt, Clearspring Miso, Chuckling Goat Kefir.

Have fun, and enjoy a happy tum! 😊


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