Back to basics

Nowadays with nutrition there is a tendency to get caught up with 'superfoods', specific diets and the latest ‘miracle’ supplement in the pursuit of optimal health.

But we forget the basics...

By just increasing the diversity of plant food in your diet you can promote a healthier gut and better wellbeing - no expensive product or fad diet needed!

So when you go to the supermarket each week challenge yourself to buy different types of fruit or vegetables (try seasonal and local varieties if you can, as these will be at their freshest and frequently changing). You can also do this with whole-grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, legumes and pulses. Then for each meal aim to have a variety of 3+ different plant foods. Try different recipes and combinations. Have fun with it.

The fibre in these plant foods provide a feast for your gut bugs and from this they produce thousands of chemicals and metabolites which contribute to better health.

More specifically, improving gut health this way helps to support the immune system, aid toxin elimination, assist in hormone balance and promote our mood too. A great example of this is that the gut produces 90% of the neurochemical serotonin - our happy hormone. Therefore better gut health can contribute to a happier mind 💚

So give it a go - enjoy a variety of plants, explore different combinations and notice how you feel 🙃


The GREAT outdoors


Wintery ‘feels’