Go with the slow…

'The day you stop racing, is the day you win the race' - Bob Marley

I love this as a reminder of the value of slowing down and having time to notice, tune in, assess and reflect on where you are right now.

How easily we can get caught in the 'doing' of finishing a task to tick it off our ‘To Do’ list or rushing to complete whatever we think we 'should' do in order to comply with what is expected of us. But often in doing this we miss the value of the smaller and quieter moments in the pursuit of what is next - ‘the end goal’.

Yoga is a practice which continually teaches me to slow down, to be conscious in my movement and my breath; and take time to focus as much on the transitions between the asanas (poses), as the asana itself. It's this awareness which supports and sets up the next pose to provide focus and stability once there.

I see this as a great metaphor for bringing this awareness to all areas of life. For slowing down our habitual ‘doing’ mentality, connecting to stillness in between and noticing how we are in the 'less eventful' or seemly mundane moments of day-to-day life. Recognising how our mindset in these moments is a powerful tool for creating and determining the next.

Moments of being present, creating space, time and stillness. This is where the magic lies ✨


The Body Keeps The Score. Really.


How to navigate the aisles