How to navigate the aisles

There can be a lot of confusion when it comes to food and knowing what food to buy to best support our health.

When we enter a shop and glance at the shelves there is often a myriad of messages on products vying for our attention - whether it be 'low fat', 'superfood', 'high fibre', 'no added sugar', 'high protein'...the list goes on.

Consequently the shopping aisle can become difficult to navigate and the confusion persists.

How do we crack this?

Ask two simple questions:
- Is it a whole food? a food in its purest form i.e. vegetables, fruit
- If not, what process has it been through to get to the shelf? i.e. cold pressed, ground, baked, refined etc.

A great indicator of the amount of processing a packaged food has been through is how many ingredients are listed on the packet; and more importantly how many ingredients you actually recognise as a real food 🧐

So if you can, take a look at the ingredient list, read beyond the marketing messages and select foods with as few ingredients as possible. This will help over time, as you'll discover go-to brands / products / foods which are not packed with lots of additives, e-numbers, artificial flavourings, refined sugar and other nasties 😬

Changing shopping habits (any habit, even) is also a process which can take time, so enjoy browsing the shelves 🤓 and see it as a chance to discover more about the quality of food you put into your body.


Go with the slow…


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