Body Language

Learn the language of your body

Our bodies are always communicating to us. For example, when we are too hot, our body starts to sweat. When we feel this we'll take off our jacket. Any signs and symptoms of health issues are our bodies way of communicating there is an imbalance - whether that be through discomfort, pain, inflammation etc - the body is letting us know that something is going on.

How do we respond to this? We might take an ibuprofen, book an appointment with our GP or hope in time it will go away. Worst of all, we might just accept the pain or symptom, feel like there is nothing we can do and just put up with it.

When health conditions become chronic, people can just learn to live with not feeling great, which can lead to feeling down, becoming unmotivated and stopping doing the things they love to do.

How can we change this? Learning to understand the body, taking time for ourselves and learning to tune into how our body is and what it is saying to us is a huge part of wellbeing. That is why instead of just handing over a nutrition plan to a client I work with them to explain how the body works and how nutrition & lifestyle changes can help support them. My approach is about empowerment, not prescription.

Learn to understand your body by learning its language - what is it saying to you? How can you respond to support it?


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