In a pickle? Let’s talk about fermented foods

There has been so much in the media / wellness space around eating fermented foods - be it kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, pickles etc.

These foods contain beneficial bacteria (probiotics) to help boost our microbiome and support our immune systems.

But check when you buy these in the supermarket, that they are not laden with additives / sugar and that they are in their most natural / raw form (look for labels which say ‘raw’ or ‘naturally fermented’). Or even better, have a go at making them at home.

In addition, if you experience bloating when consuming any fermented foods use the ‘go low and slow’ approach, by having a small amount every day and gradually build up to larger amounts.

Still don’t like pickles or fermented foods? 😂 That’s totally ok! There are so many ways to support gut-health and increase the diversity of your microbiome. Start by increasing the variety of whole foods in your diet - i.e. vegetables, fruit, whole-grains - aim for 20-30 different types a week. These foods are packed with fibre which feed the bugs in our microbiomes.

So don’t get in a pickle trying to follow what all these health messages are telling you ‘you should’ do. Keep things simple with unadulterated fermented foods and / or whole, plant-based, colourful and varied foods. Keep to moderate amounts, take time to eat and enjoy what goes into your belly. Your microbiome will thank you ☺️


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