How do you nourish yourself?

How we support our wellbeing goes beyond nutrition and movement - it’s about our mental, emotional and psychological health too.

This includes really giving time back to ourselves - for recovery and repair.

Being on ‘Go mode’ all the time, looks great, feels productive and gives us the illusion we’re winning at life, but the body and mind need time to repair, rejuvenate and restore. Just like a Personal Trainer would advise you to have recovery days from exercise, our minds and bodies need the same time out, in order to relax and get back into balance.

When we take time to rest, relax and just ‘be’, our nervous system can settle back into ‘rest, digest and repair’ mode - our parasympathetic nervous system state. The benefits of this are endless, as our body and mind aren’t working to expend energy all time time to keep us ‘going’, on alert and ready to react. It can instead go into homeostasis and restoration mode.

So if you don’t already, create time to nourish yourself - in whatever way that works for you. For me, last weekend, it was simply eating home cooked food, spending time on the sofa reading (one of my favourite things to do!) and connecting with family and friends💛

But this can also look like:
* A bath with Epsom salts
* Walks in nature
* An early night
* Gently moving your body - stretching, yoga, Qigong
* Getting up slightly earlier in the morning, so you have time to yourself before the rest of the household wakes up
* Doing batch cooking at the weekend, so you know you have a stock of nourishing meals for those busy days
* Spending time drawing, painting, trying new recipes…generally being creative etc

So whatever works for you, take time to do those things which truly nourish you. Reminding yourself that it’s just as important for wellbeing as exercise and supporting your body with nutritious food. Plus you get to do something you enjoy and feel rested, inspired or reset from ✨😊💛


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