The greatest change…

Small steps made consistently over time lead to the greatest change 💫

Just as in ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’ fable, wellbeing isn’t about fast sprints to reach [health] goals.

Achieving optimal health is about the smaller things we can do consistently over time that work cumulatively to build a stronger immune system, balance hormones, support the nervous system, aid digestion etc.

A load of supplements, fad diets or any ‘quick-fixes’ won’t prime the body for long-term health. Like the Hare, you might see faster results initially, but is it sustainable and is it addressing the root cause?

In addition, making lots of changes all at once can feel overwhelming and can lead to falling back into old patterns (or in the case of the Hare becoming complacent, taking a break and not getting to the finish line as planned).

Instead, start small - for example just adding one green vegetable to your plate at each meal or reduce the number of cups of coffee / tea you have by one a day. Then build on this 🙂

Listen to your body, work with a qualified health professional and learn how to make suitable changes to support you in the long-term.

Better health is an ongoing process; as is respecting your body, being patient and giving it time to thrive.

What small change can you make today to support your health?


All Hail the Green Leafy Veg


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